by: Kelsey Hill

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wow.. so what do we do?!

Well those are the facts, and some people are trying to do something about it. Freshwater streams and rivers are threatened by human activities including....
  • industrial pollution
  • agricultural runoff
  • alien species introductions
  • alterations of stream flows

The article Silent Streams from the April 2010 issue of National Geographic outlines the efforts of a group of biologists to preserve threatened species of marine life using a technique called captive propagation. Conservation Fisheries Inc. (CFI) identifies threatened species of freshwater marine life with the help of other interested organizations. Once the species are identified, CFI collects and then preserves as many fish as possible in large glass aquariums housed in Knoxville, Tennessee. Once a stream or creek is deemed clean enough, preserved fish are reintroduced in the hopes that they will now be able to thrive in a more hospitable habitat.

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